italki Review: Affordable Language Tutoring, But At What Cost?

By Ernest Bio Bogore

Proofread and fact-checked by Ibrahim Litinine

Last updated

As a language lover myself, I couldn't resist giving italki a try during my language-learning journey.

In this piece, I'll attempt to provide an objective italki review, sharing my experiences and insights to help you decide whether this platform is right for you. 

We will discuss what italki is and, more importantly, what it's not. We'll also discuss who can benefit most from using italki, italki alternatives , and at what stage of your learning journey you should consider giving it a try.

My experience with italki: A language learner's perspective

As someone who's been learning languages for quite a while, I decided to give italki a shot at the beginning of 2024. Even though I'm a native French speaker, I wanted to see what it's like for a total beginner to use the platform.

italki review

When I first signed up and checked out the dashboard, I was pretty impressed by how easy it was to navigate. It's got a clean, user-friendly vibe going on. But as I started exploring, I noticed a few things that might be a bit tricky for newbies.

Right off the bat, the dashboard threw a bunch of French tutors at me, suggesting I book lessons with them. That’s cool. 

But here's the thing: there was no information on why these particular tutors were recommended. 

As a beginner, I would've loved some guidance on what to expect from my first few lessons and how to pick a tutor based on their teaching style or specialty, like grammar or conversation.

At the bottom of the page, there were these two sections: one telling me to create a learning path and another offering a trial lesson for 5 bucks. But they were kind of hidden away.

my experience with italki

I decided to check out the “Learning Plan” feature and saw that I could use AI to auto-populate a learning path. Sounds cool, right? 

Well, the AI-generated path wasn't super helpful because it assumed I was already at an intermediate level. It would be awesome if italki offered pre-made learning paths based on your skill level and learning goals, put together by experienced teachers or language experts.

my experience with italki

The app also has this vocabulary section where you can learn new words and verbs, which is pretty neat. You can listen to the pronunciation, but there's no way to record yourself saying the words or get feedback on how you sound. 

It would be a game-changer if italki could add speech recognition or pronunciation feedback like some other language learning apps out there.

my experience with italki

All in all, I think italki is a solid choice for intermediate learners who know what they want to focus on. But, for beginners, it might be better to find a platform that offers more structure and guidance. 

Don't get me wrong, italki is great for connecting with language tutors, but there’s definitely room for improvement when it comes to helping out beginners. 

With a few tweaks to the onboarding process, learning paths, and interactive features, italki could be an even more amazing resource for language learners of all levels.

Let’s address the elephant in the room: What italki is and what it’s not

Now, you might be thinking, "Hold up, does this person even know what italki is all about?" 

And that's a fair question, given my experience and suggestions. But don't worry, I've done my homework!

So, what is italki? Their philosophy and methodology

In a nutshell, italki is not your typical language school. They're more like a marketplace (or a “community,” as they prefer to call it) that connects language learners with native speakers who act as language tutors. 

With over 20,000 tutors from 150+ countries, italki is helping thousands of learners improve their skills in their target languages.

Here's how it works: a tutor creates a profile, sets their availability and hourly rates, and then the italki algorithm distributes the tutor's profile to learners. 

Learners can then book tutors based on criteria like time zone, hourly rate, language, and more (we'll dive into this in another section below).

Now, what italki is not?

As mentioned earlier, italki is not a language school or a language learning program. 

While they do connect tutors with learners and help with arbitrage, they are not responsible for the quality of the classes and lessons you receive. That responsibility falls on the tutors.

And this is where I think italki falls short for most learners. While I’m not asking the company to change its business model, I believe learners would greatly benefit if Italki implemented some form of quality assurance. 

Perhaps they could provide tutors with lesson templates, plans, or a curriculum for each language level.

The underlying issue with this model is that many people assume that a higher hourly rate equals better teaching quality, which is not always the case. 

There will be tutors charging $10 per hour who are more effective at teaching a language than those charging $50 per hour.

By equipping tutors with standardized materials, italki could ensure that all tutors receive fair payment for their work, preventing some from overcharging and others from being exploited due to their country of origin.

How does booking a lesson on italki work?

Now that you know what italki is and what it’s not, here’s how you can find a tutor on the platform.

Finding a tutor based on their native language

First off, you’ll want to narrow down your search by the language you're learning. italki has tutors for a mind-boggling 150+ languages, so you're bound to find what you're looking for. 

Just select your target language, and the platform will turn up all the available tutors.

But here's where it gets interesting: you can also filter by the tutor's native language. This is super handy if you're looking for a specific dialect or regional variation. 

italki pricing

For example, if you're learning Spanish and want to focus on the Argentine dialect, you can search for tutors who are native Argentine Spanish speakers. Pretty cool, right? 

Finding a tutor based on their set hourly fees

Next up, let’s talk money. 

italki tutors set their own rates, which means prices can vary quite a bit. But don't worry, you can easily filter tutors by their hourly rate to find someone who fits your budget.

italki pricing

Now, I know it might be tempting to go for the cheapest option, but be careful. As I mentioned earlier, there's a risk of low-wage exploitation if you're only paying a few bucks per hour. 

On the flip side, a high price doesn't necessarily guarantee quality. It's all about finding that sweet spot where you feel like you're getting good value for your money.

Finding a tutor based on their country of origin

Another way to find the perfect tutor is by looking at where they're from. 

italki makes this easy by allowing you to filter tutors by country. This can be really helpful if you're interested in learning about a specific culture or want to hear a particular regional accent.

italki pricing

For instance, let's say you're learning French and you're fascinated by the culture of Senegal. You can search for tutors from Senegal who teach French, and voila! You'll have the opportunity to learn the language while also getting insights into Senegalese culture straight from a local.

Just keep in mind that a tutor's country of origin doesn't necessarily determine their teaching style or qualifications. It's just one factor to consider when making your choice.

Choosing between professional teachers and community tutors

When you're browsing through italki's tutor profiles, you'll notice that they're divided into two categories: professional teachers and community tutors. So, what's the difference?

Professional teachers are usually certified language instructors with formal teaching experience and qualifications. 

On the other hand, community tutors are often native speakers or advanced learners who offer conversation practice and informal tutoring. They may not have formal teaching qualifications, but they can be great for learners who want speaking practice and cultural exchange.

Ultimately, the choice between a professional teacher and a community tutor comes down to your learning style and goals. 

What does the actual online class look like? 

So, you're probably wondering what an italki class is really like, right? 

Well, classes typically take place on platforms like FaceTime, Zoom, or any other live call app. Depending on the tutor, a lesson can last anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.

Youtube video:

Here’s the thing: since there’s no standardized lesson format, the structure of the class depends on what you've told your tutor you want to learn and how they decide to organize the session.

But generally, here’s how it goes down: the first 5 minutes are all about meeting your tutor, introducing yourselves, and discussing the game plan. 

Then, for the rest of the time, you'll be learning from your tutor, asking questions, and in the last 5 minutes, you'll talk about the next steps and any assignments.

Now, because of the way italki is set up, your classes will be 100% focused on speaking. Don't get me wrong, speaking is an important part of language learning. 

But if you're in it for the long haul (not just a quick 5-day tourist trip), you'll probably want to improve your speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills equally. And unfortunately, that's not always easy to do on italki.

Many learners on Reddit suggest having your own learning path and workbook alongside italki. This way, you can give yourself assignments to improve your writing, speaking, and other skills.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, just because you've paid a pretty penny for a tutor doesn't guarantee an amazing class. To avoid disappointment, book at least 3 to 5 tutors, try them out and then stick with the 2 you like best.

Since there's no clear learning path, make sure you ask plenty of questions and are crystal clear about what you want to learn. Remember, you're the boss, and the tutors are there to teach you what you ask them to teach you.

To complement what I've shared, here's a snippet from someone else's review of the online class experience:

"I'll be honest with you: I've had some amazing teachers on italki. I've also had some absolutely atrocious teachers who shouldn't even be on there. In fact, I believe a lot of the qualifications you see on there are completely fictitious."

The reviewer also emphasizes that price doesn't necessarily indicate quality, and suggests doing your homework by checking reviews and taking advantage of trial lessons before committing to a tutor.

A beginner language learner’s look at italki’s model

Let's be real here: italki's setup isn't exactly beginner-friendly. 

Don't get me wrong, the freestyle approach (learning what you want, whenever you want) is great for experienced language learners who know their weaknesses and exactly where they want to improve.

But here's the thing: Most beginners don't have that level of clarity when they're just starting. They need guidance, plain and simple.

I noticed that some tutors on italki have their own "courses," like grammar or self-introduction lessons. But even then, these courses don't follow a structured path. They're scattered all over the place.

italki review

What beginners really need is a structured learning plan that takes them from zero to hero—a.k.a, a well-designed curriculum to fluency. The beauty of learning plans is that they’re efficient and effective. 

Think about it: if, as a total newbie, you start your first lesson with grammar or conjugation, you’ll be completely lost and confused and probably want to give up.

But if you start with basic greetings like "How are you?" and vocabulary related to your daily lives (house, office, kitchen, etc.), you'll learn faster, start forming short and simple sentences, and most importantly, stay motivated to keep learning. Then, you can gradually introduce more complex concepts.

Now, some of you might be thinking, "But, Ernest, not everyone is a beginner!" And you're right.

If you're an intermediate learner, italki might be right up your alley. 

However, you might run into one issue: some tutors aren't native speakers, and if you're at a B1 or B2 level, there’s a chance you have the same linguistic level as some of them. 

So, do your homework, take trial classes with different tutors, and assess their level to make sure they can actually help you improve.

Now, what’s the bottom line? Is italki worth it? 

When it comes to deciding whether italki is worth your time and money, it really depends on your language learning goals and your current level of proficiency.

If you’re a beginner, italki might not be the best choice. As a newcomer to the language, you’ll likely benefit more from a structured learning program that guides you through the basics step-by-step.

italki’s more freeform approach, where you choose your own tutors and topics, can be overwhelming and less effective for beginners.

However, if you're an intermediate learner, italki can be a great tool. At this stage, you've probably already grasped the fundamentals of the language and are ready to start having real conversations .

italki's one-on-one lessons with native speakers can provide valuable practice and help you gain confidence in your speaking abilities. Just be sure to come prepared with specific topics or questions you want to work on.

For advanced learners, italki can be hit or miss. On one hand, it offers the opportunity to dive deep into specific aspects of the language or to practice specialized vocabulary for professional or academic purposes. 

You can search for tutors with expertise in your field of interest. On the other hand, at this level, you might be better served by fully immersing yourself in the language through travel, work, or study abroad opportunities.

Get French Classes, a more structured language learning approach than italki for French learners

If you’re serious about learning French but feel that italki’s approach falls short, Get French Classes offers a compelling alternative. 

Our method addresses the common pain points and limitations faced by language learners, providing a structured, immersive, and affordable path to fluency.

Youtube video:

At Get French Classes, we believe in a personalized learning experience. 

From the moment you sign up, you'll work closely with us to help us understand your goals, and from there, a dedicated learning advisor will make sure your classes are designed to suit your needs. 

You'll also be paired with a specialized French teaching expert who has experience in your field, ensuring that you learn the vocabulary and communication skills that matter most to you.

Unlike italki, where lesson quality can vary widely depending on the individual tutor, we maintain a rigorous vetting and training process for our teachers. 

We work with pedagogists to ensure that every tutor is not only a skilled French speaker but also an excellent educator.

Our immersive curriculum is designed to drop you into authentic, everyday conversations across various settings, with each lesson having a specific, practical goal. 

is italki worth it?

You'll take on assignments, both written and spoken, to keep you engaged and constantly improving.

is italki worth it?

With Get French Classes, you'll enjoy:

  • Twice-weekly private lessons: Two 45-minute private French classes per week with your experienced tutor, focusing on real-life scenarios and personalized feedback.

is italki worth it?
  • Weekly group classes: One group class per week where you can practice with other learners at your level, engaging in discussions, debates, and conversations.

italki review
  • Daily video lessons and assignments: Bite-sized, 5-minute video lessons and assignments that fit easily into your busy schedule, helping you build daily French speaking habits.

italki review
  • Learning pods and practice buddies: Collaborative learning with fellow students to improve fluency, and an accountability partner to keep you motivated.

Unlike italki's hourly rates, our program is offered at a flat fee, ensuring that you have access to all the resources and support you need to succeed. 

italki review

We also adapt our course content to your preferred learning style, whether that's through videos, PDFs, or live sessions.

Here's what some of our learners have to say:

Heather took our french course and loves our french tutors

As a busy mom and professional, learning French has been complicated for me. But since I started learning with Get French Classes, I have seen my French improve FAST. Through the lessons, I not only get to practice every day, but I also have more opportunities than before. I can practice with my advisor, private tutor, and other learners like me.

Beza gives glowing testimonial to Get French Classes' tutors and course materials.

What I like the most about the program is that all my tutors are native speakers. They do help me not only understand the French language, but also the culture and the nuances of some words and expressions. And mostly, the live sessions are engaging and fun.

Sunu Kim took french lessons from Get French Classes and enjoys it.

I chose Get French Classes because their teaching materials and content are incredibly rich, going from everyday expressions to more specialized ones. I also get many opportunities to interact with tutors, and that has a huge impact on my fluency.


I've tried learning French on my own before, but nothing compares to this program. The combination of video lessons, live tutoring sessions, and group practice made learning French enjoyable and effective.